Dental Implants
Losing even just one tooth can have severe consequences for your smile and oral health. Luckily, dental implants are designed to restore missing tooth structure and provide support and stability for restorations. Dr. Wagner has undergone additional training that allows him to offer both implant placement and restoration right in the office.
The Implant Process
The implant process consists of several appointments over a period of months. Dr. Wagner views the planning component of 3D cbct imaging as an invaluable step to successful placement. 3D models will be processed with the intent to plan for implant placement in an ideal restorative position. These diagnostics also allow Dr. Wagner to review any anatomical concerns for ideal placement. These images also allow Dr. Wagner to virtually place the correctly sized implant and crown as well as create a guide to use for complete accuracy of placement.
Implant placement involves a surgical procedure where a post (made of titanium) is gently positioned directly into the bone. Once in place, the post is topped with a healing cap allowing for bone integration. After a period of healing, the implant can be uncovered, assessed for positive integration, and then easily imaged with our scanner for the final crown.
There are numerous reasons for dental implants. Dental crowns are used for conservative single-tooth replacement, while implant-retained bridges or dentures can restore multiple or large gaps. Many patients interested in dentures also consider implants to anchor full or partial dentures.
Advantages of Dental Implants
They look and function like teeth. Your implant restorations will be crafted to match your natural enamel, blending seamlessly with the rest of your smile.
These materials last a lifetime. With proper care and an oral hygiene routine, implants can be with you forever and often outlive their restorations.
Implants prevent bone loss. Yup! You read that right. Patients with gaps in their smile often suffer from bone loss in those areas. Dental implants greatly lessen this risk and can also prevent facial sagging and premature aging.